Biospecimen TypeSample PrepVolume
Tumour tissueFresh frozen~250 mg/vial
Wax sections/curls
Paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue sections
10 micron standard, custom thickness on request
Normal-adjacent tissueFresh frozen~250 mg/vial
Wax sections/curls
Paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue sections
10 micron standard, custom thickness on request
PlasmaFresh frozen1 ml/vial
CNA (circulating nucleic acid) plasmaFresh frozen1 ml/vial
Buffy coatFresh frozen~250 µl/vial
DNAOn request, DNA can be extracted from tissue or buffy coat biospecimens.1 µg
RNAOn request, RNA can be extracted from frozen tissue biospecimens.1 µg
Tissue microarraySections can be obtained from one of OTB’s pre-made arrays or a custom array specific to your requirements can be designed and created (core sizes of 0.6-2.0mm).10 micron standard per section or request whole block